Reseacher, MICROCOSME project-team, Inria Centre at Université Grenoble Alpes
Bureau G215, Inria Centre at Université Grenoble Alpes.
Research interests:
Branching processes, structured populations, growth-fragmentation equations
Statistical inference for tree-structured data
Inheritance, noise in gene expression, bacterial communities
Keywords: Structured branching processes, sampling and typical individual, cell division, statistical estimation, mixed-effect models, inheritance, stochastic gene expression
ARBOREAL: Branching resource allocation processes for the analysis and inference of phenotypic growth variability (2024-2029), ANR JCJC
AnaComBa: Analysis of bacterial communities: stochastic modelling (2021-2024), Équipe-Action PERSYVAL-lab
MOSTIC: Stochastic modelling and inference for cell communities in interaction (2020-2022), IXXI
A. Marguet, C. Smadi, Parasite infection in a cell population: role of the partitioning kernel, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 89 , 14, 2024.
E. Reginato, A. Marguet, E. Cinquemani, Inference of tree-structured auto-regressive models of gene expression parameters from generation-snapshot data, Proceedings of the 22nd European Control Conference, (ECC, Stockholm, Sweden, June 25-28, 2024).
A. Marguet, C. Smadi, Spread of parasites affecting death and division rates in a cell population, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 168, pp.104262, 2024.
V. Bansaye, B. Cloez, P. Gabriel, A. Marguet, A non-conservative Harris ergodic theorem, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 106, 2459-2510, 2022.
A. Marguet, E. Cinquemani, Identification of stochastic gene expression models over lineage trees, Proceedings of the 19th IFAC symposium on System Identification, Padova, July 13-16, 2021.
A. Marguet, C. Smadi, Long time behaviour of continuous-state nonlinear branching processes with catastrophes, Electronic Journal of Probability, 26, 1-32, 2021.
A. Marguet, M. Lavielle, E. Cinquemani, Inheritance and variability of kinetic gene expression parameters in microbial cells: Modelling and inference from lineage tree data, Bioinformatics, 35(14), i586–i595, 2019. Suppl. Material.
A. Marguet, M. Hoffmann, Statistical estimation in a randomly structured population, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 129, 12, 5236-5277, 2019.
A. Marguet, A law of large numbers for branching Markov processes by the ergodicity of ancestral lineages, ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, 23, 638–661, 2019.
A. Marguet, Uniform sampling in a structured branching population, Bernoulli, 25, 4A, 2649-2695, 2019.
B. Cloez, R. Dessalles, A. Genadot, F. Malrieu, A. Marguet, R. Yvinec, Probabilistic and Piecewise Deterministic models in Biology, ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys, 60, 225-245, 2017.
01/2024 Séminaire virtuel du GT BIOSS, en ligne.
12/2023 EverEvol- Population dynamics: from rare events to evolution - 2023, Grenoble.
12/2023 Journées Math bio santé 2023, Marne la Vallée.
09/2023 “Biology meets math: building a better understanding of host-parasite dynamics in the wild”, Montpellier.
06/2023 Informs Applied Probability Society Conference 2023, Invited session “Stochastic models for ecology and evolution”, Nancy.
05/2023 Cérémonie de remise des prix des Olympiades de Mathématiques, Grenoble.
03/2022 Séminaire de Probabilités de l'ICJ et l'UMPA, Lyon.
01/2022 Séminaire de Probabilités de l'IRMAR, Rennes.
08/2021 Journées MAS 2021, online.
07/2021 19th IFAC symposium on System Identification, Padova
06/2021 Séminaire de Modélisation aléatoire du vivant, Paris
02/2021 Séminaire de Probabilités et Statistiques, Montpellier
2018-current, Biostatistics, M2 PhEDC, Université Grenoble Alpes